Pitifulness – “The Art of Overcoming Pitifulness: Building Resilience and Strength

Pitifulness is a state of own self that involves pity, sadness, or compassion mostly due to circumstances that are perceived as misfortunate or inadequate. It can also be a psychological or emotional state where a person excessively focuses on one’s troubles and injustice and acquires a sense of helplessness and lack of resilience to bounce back from challenges. 

While Pitifulness is not something that can be avoided constantly feeling self-pity can negatively affect your own mental, emotional, and physical health.

1. Understanding the root of pitifulness 

To solve any problem it is important that you address and understand its root. To understand where your Pitifulness comes from you can use the art of introspection. Introspection simply means to look into yourself to find the root of a problem. In the case of pitifulness, you may be able to explore common causes like negative talk, failures, and unhealthy comparisons of your own self to others. These causes might set you up to create a victim mindset for yourself which can lead to self-pity. 

2. Recognising the sign of self-pity 

After you understand and look into yourself to explore common causes of self-pity, you should recognize the signs of self-pity. Feeling helplessness or hopelessness blaming external factors for problems and avoiding responsibilities and challenges are some signs of self-pity. You may also feel a lack of motivation to make changes if you are pitiful.

3. The psychology behind resilience 

Being resilient gives individuals the power to adapt and bounce back from adversity. Although it is not an inherent trade individuals can cultivate this skill through research into positivity or psychology behind it. By getting involved in mental flexibility, emotional regulation, and a sense of purpose one can develop resilience to negative aspects of life. Once an individual fosters a quality of resilience they can navigate their life’s challenges and problems and overcome them by setting aside the pitifulness that makes them overcome tough times. 

Practical skills to overcome pitifulness 

Overcoming pitifulness can be a hard thing and might need continuous discipline and dedication. Here are some steps you can take to shift your mindset into overcoming pitifulness. 

1. Shift your mind 

By practicing gratitude and focusing on positive aspects of life you will be able to notice smaller happiness rather than big obstacles. Practicing gratitude rewires your brain and replaces self-defending beliefs with affirmations that empower you to be better. 

2. Building self confidence 

Once you start pitying yourself it can be hard to set aside your pitiful nature and focus on building yourself up. However, by setting small and achievable goals and creating a sense of confidence, you can build yourself up. Building self-confidence and reflecting on your success while reminding yourself of your capabilities rather than shortcomings can be a great way to power yourself.

3. Take responsibility 

Acknowledging your circumstances accepting your role in it and taking part in how you can take control over it provides you the opportunity to focus on actionable steps to improve the situation rather than cry about it. Holding accountability for your actions and circumstances rather than blaming external factors can be a great start to taking responsibility for your actions and getting rid of pitifulness. 

4. Surround yourself with positivity 

You become what you surround yourself with. Surrounding yourself with a supported network of friends, mentors, and people who love you and encourage your success can empower you and grow you stronger. By avoiding environment and relationships that perpetuate negative feelings and provide a sense of lesser than can also help you overcome pitifulness. 


Is important that you make consistent efforts to have a long-lasting change in your behavior, habits, and personality. It is not a one-day thing to get rid of pitifulness but a long-lasting journey of practicing mindfulness and setting daily intentions. Maintaining consistency to stay focused on your long-term goals can be the best way to get rid of your pitiful habits. 

You can find numerous stories of individuals who have overcome their beautiful nature and have been themselves in the industry and established themselves as their ideal selves. From athletes to actors from businessmen to employees, you will find people who have achieved their dreams by being willing to put in an effort and bring change.